Say What?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Faces of XO Skeletons Posing at STONEway To Heaven

So I decided to finally make an XO Skeletons group they'll be my models per-say whether its a group or single sim.....but here is a preview I'll put up single shots and bios tonight! Enjoy (:

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Im debating if I wanna put my new sim on the!

here she is:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pictures Just Cuz....

i downloaded these cool couple poses so I though I'd share them (:
 okay i know this one isnt a couple pose but i love the look on her face so seductive (:

Plumzie (:

okay I've just gotta say: IM SO PROUD OF THIS SIM! I think shes gorgeous and unique (:

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Infamous Izzy!!!

heres my new simmie....not totally emo not totally scene....but very photogenic haha!
                                i love these poses!!!!

                                the one above is my favorite!

a new batch of simmies (:

well i finally got time to update haha
well lets start by view my first new upload
Fluffy Fannie- my simself

hehe next is a re-upload of mine
Mia Mutiny-  i reuploaded her because i got the uic (upload image changer) right after I put her on the exchange and i had some really good pictures of her so i removed buuuut it wouldn't let me put her up for a flippin week! -.-

and last is one of my favorites

Zoe Zhu Zhu- yes like zhu zhu pets aha! i was watching "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This" right before i made her and they were microwaving a zhu zhu pet ( it sparked lmao) and i thought hmmmm good idea aha but i love her shes so dorky and cute (:
well hopefully i can get more sims made tonight ciao people (:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mia Mutiny (:

My new scene sim (: I love her shes soooo pretty!
You can download her here:

First Post (:

Yay! finally got a blog thats easy to use and navigate (: This blog will be used for my sims and probably for me just to babble randomly (: